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Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Vidrala’s Green Agenda

The SDGs complement our 4 Ps strategy, ensuring its alignment with the United Nations plan to achieve a better, fairer and more sustainable future. See below the most relevant SDGs to our strategy:


SDG5 Gender Equality

Maximising the opportunities for gender equality within the manufacturing sector is an important goal. We are committed to supporting the recruitment, training, development, and careers of both women and men in manufacturing roles and we believe by doing so makes us a stronger, more resilient organisation.


SDG7 Affordable and Clean Energy

Accelerating the use of renewable energy is essential to tackling the climate crisis, especially in energy intensive industries like glass manufacturing. Therefore, we are committed to incorporating renewable energy in our industrial processes and improving our energy efficiency as well.


SDG8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

We recognise the importance of sustainable economic development and creating high quality working conditions for our staff. We are committed to providing employees with full-time satisfying jobs, with a suite of employee benefits and take care to promote a healthy work-life balance.


SDG9 Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

To meet future challenges, and ensure we have resilient infrastructure for the future, we have invested to bring innovative manufacturing equipment as well as alternative energy solutions into our business. Developing sustainable industrial processes and incorporating clean technologies, such as electrostatic precipitators, will help to ensure our long-term sustainability.


SDG12 Responsible Consumption and Production

The efficient use of natural resources and investing in new technologies to improve our production methods is key. We work with organisations to increase the quantity and quality of recycled glass. This reduces our demand for new natural resources, minimises waste and helps contribute towards a more circular economy.


SDG13 Climate Action

The impacts of climate change are already visible and will worsen without proper action. Reducing our carbon footprint and minimising our climate impact is vital for us. To do so, we have been investing in more energy efficient furnaces, as well as switching to renewable sources of energy to reduce reliance on fossil fuels. We have also recently submitted a near-term science-based target, in line with 1.5ºC, for validation by the Science-based Target Initiative (SBTi).


SDG15 Life on Land

Protecting our planet is one of our core business values. We are dedicated to conserving resources, where possible, as well as helping to develop and promote biodiversity.

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